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Apk´s vor AV verbergen

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Gibts es eine Möglichkeit Apk`s FUD zu machen ? Bei Exe Dateien ist es kein Problem, leider finde ich zu Apk keine Informationen.


Wonach muss ich da suchen, oder gibt es da Programme bzw Anleitungen?




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  • Android, iPhone
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Basically AV works by reading the signature file.You can edit it using this simple steps,this will guarantee you a perfect social engineering and AV by passing.

1.Decompile your apk with apktool - apktool d /path/to/apk /path/to/decompilefolder

2.Edit what you need like the Name of the apkfile located at the rest/values/strings.xml or you can add an icon by making a folder by


in the rest directory and add the your icon with 48px icon in the "drawable-ldpi" and 36px icon in the "drawable-mdpi" and 72px icon in the "drawable-hdpi" and edit the AndroidMenifest.XML file and add this line android:icon=@drawable/icon and make sure you name all your icons with the name icon.png.

Then complie this by this code apktool b /path/to/decompilefolder then you will find the apk file in a filde named dist.Then you must sign the apk file with jarsigner ,this is where you change the signature.

jarsigner -verbose -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -storepass android -keypass android -digestalg SHA1 -sigalg MD5withRSA /path/to/apk androiddebugkey*


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Bitte erst mal anständig Google benutzen :)


Schönen Gruß.

  • silvercow79 gefällt das

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,



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