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    Script Kiddie

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Fimap ist ein kleines Python-Tool, mit dem man automatisch über einen Google-Dork nach local und remote file inclusion Bugs in Webapps suchen kann. Fimap sollte so etwas wie sqlmap nur für LFI / RFI anstelle von SQL-Injection sein. Es befindet sich derzeit in der Entwicklung, aber es ist brauchbar.

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Alle Optionen:
fimap v.09_svn
:: Automatic LFI/RFI scanner and exploiter
:: by Iman Karim (fimap.dev@gmail.com)
Usage: ./fimap.py [options]
## Operating Modes:
-s , --single				 Mode to scan a single URL for FI errors.
								 Needs URL (-u). This mode is the default.
-m , --mass				 Mode for mass scanning. Will check every URL
								 from a given list (-l) for FI errors.
-g , --google				 Mode to use Google to aquire URLs.
								 Needs a query (-q) as google search query.
-H , --harvest			 Mode to harvest a URL recursivly for new URLs.
								 Needs a root url (-u) to start crawling there.
								 Also needs (-w) to write a URL list for mass mode.
## Techniques:
-b , --enable-blind		 Enables blind FI-Bug testing when no error messages are printed.
								 Note that this mode will cause lots of requests compared to the
								 default method. Can be used with -s, -m or -g.
-D , --dot-truncation		 Enables dot truncation technique to get rid of the suffix if
								 the default mode (nullbyte poison) failed. This mode can cause
								 tons of requests depending how you configure it.
								 By default this mode only tests windows servers.
								 Can be used with -s, -m or -g. Experimental.
-M , --multiply-term=X	 Multiply terminal symbols like '.' and '/' in the path by X.
## Variables:
-u , --url=URL			 The URL you want to test.
								 Needed in single mode (-s).
-l , --list=LIST			 The URL-LIST you want to test.
								 Needed in mass mode (-m).
-q , --query=QUERY		 The Google Search QUERY.
								 Example: 'inurl:include.php'
								 Needed in Google Mode (-g)
	 --skip-pages=X		 Skip the first X pages from the Googlescanner.
-p , --pages=COUNT		 Define the COUNT of pages to search (-g).
								 Default is 10.
	 --results=COUNT		 The count of results the Googlescanner should get per page.
								 Possible values: 10, 25, 50 or 100(default).
	 --googlesleep=TIME	 The time in seconds the Googlescanner should wait befor each
								 request to google. fimap will count the time between two requests
								 and will sleep if its needed to reach your cooldown. Default is 5.
-w , --write=LIST			 The LIST which will be written if you have choosen
								 harvest mode (-H). This file will be opened in APPEND mode.
-d , --depth=CRAWLDEPTH	 The CRAWLDEPTH (recurse level) you want to crawl your target site
								 in harvest mode (-H). Default is 1.
-P , --post=POSTDATA		 The POSTDATA you want to send. All variables inside
								 will also be scanned for file inclusion bugs.
	 --cookie=COOKIES		 Define the cookie which should be send with each request.
								 Also the cookies will be scanned for file inclusion bugs.
								 Concatenate multiple cookies with the ';' character.
	 --ttl=SECONDS		 Define the TTL (in seconds) for requests. Default is 30 seconds.
	 --no-auto-detect		 Use this switch if you dont want to let fimap automaticly detect
								 the target language in blind-mode. In that case you will get some
								 options you can choose if fimap isnt sure which lang it is.
	 --dot-trunc-min=700	 The count of dots to begin with in dot-truncation mode.
	 --dot-trunc-max=2000	 The count of dots to end with in dot-truncation mode.
	 --dot-trunc-step=50	 The step size for each round in dot-truncation mode.
	 --dot-trunc-ratio=0.095 The maximum ratio to detect if dot truncation was successfull.
	 --dot-trunc-also-unix Use this if dot-truncation should also be tested on unix servers.
## Attack Kit:
-x , --exploit			 Starts an interactive session where you can
								 select a target and do some action.
-T , --tab-complete		 Enables TAB-Completation in exploit mode. Needs readline module.
								 Use this if you want to be able to tab-complete thru remote
								 filesdirs. Eats an extra request for every "cd" command.
## Disguise Kit:
-A , --user-agent=UA		 The User-Agent which should be sent.
	 --http-proxy=PROXY	 Setup your proxy with this option. But read this facts:
								 * The googlescanner will ignore the proxy to get the URLs,
									 but the pentestattack itself will go thru proxy.
								 * PROXY should be in format like this:
								 * Its experimental
	 --show-my-ip			 Shows your internet IP, current country and user-agent.
								 Useful if you want to test your vpnproxy config.
## Plugins:
	 --plugins			 List all loaded plugins and quit after that.
-I , --install-plugins	 Shows some official exploit-mode plugins you can install
								 andor upgrade.
## Other:
	 --update-def			 Checks and updates your definition files found in the
								 config directory.
	 --test-rfi			 A quick test to see if you have configured RFI nicely.
	 --merge-xml=XMLFILE	 Use this if you have another fimap XMLFILE you want to
								 include to your own fimap_result.xml.
-C , --enable-color		 Enables a colorful output. Works only in linux!
-v , --verbose=LEVEL		 Verbose level you want to receive.
								 LEVEL=3 -> Debug
								 LEVEL=2 -> Info(Default)
								 LEVEL=1 -> Messages
								 LEVEL=0 -> High-Level
	 --credits			 Shows some credits.
	 --greetings			 Some greetings <img src='http://www.toolbase.bz/board/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/0006.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />
-h , --help				 Shows this cruft.
## Examples:
1. Scan a single URL for FI errors:
	 ./fimap.py -u '[url="http://localhost/test.php?file=bang&id=23"]http://localhost/tes...file=bang&id=23[/url]'
2. Scan a list of URLS for FI errors:
	 ./fimap.py -m -l '/tmp/urllist.txt'
3. Scan Google search results for FI errors:
	 ./fimap.py -g -q 'inurl:include.php'
4. Harvest all links of a webpage with recurse level of 3 and
	 write the URLs to /tmp/urllist
	 ./fimap.py -H -u '[url="http://localhost"]http://localhost[/url]' -d 3 -w /tmp/urllist


Bearbeitet von Simius, 09 February 2013 - 18:00 Uhr.

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